Luxembourg, Luxembourg 2546
Luxembourg, Luxembourg 2546
25 km around
Are you a Client Services professional in finance?
You've been doing this job for several years now.
Your role has evolved over time.
You're asked to do more and more as your team and department have been reorganised, and there's a staff shortage.
You're known for your expertise and for delivering high-quality work. This feels good.
But you're struggling to keep it up: it's becoming nearly impossible to balance the workload and provide the error-free answers your customers expect.
You feel so pressured that you want to leave your job.
Yet you feel stuck because of your financial and family responsibilities.
You keep thinking:
➡️ I've had enough.
➡️ Maybe it's not that bad.
➡️ I wouldn't know what else I could do anyway.
➡️ I can't leave without a job: I have a mortgage to pay!
➡️ The benefits are quite nice.
➡️ My kids will be sad if we don't go on holidays to nice places anymore.
➡️ Well, at least I have a job.
🤝 We Can Work Together To Help You:
✔ Get clarity on the career that suits you in your current circumstances
✔ Identify what's getting in the way and help you get where you want to be
✔ Move from 'ideas' into 'action'
🧩 Why Me?
During my career, I've explored a lot: different countries, jobs, industries, you name it.
But one thing's always been the same: I quit jobs I no longer enjoyed, even when I didn't have another one lined up.
It wasn't always easy, but it saved me from approaching burnout on several occasions.
I've spent the last 12 years of my corporate world, supporting major banking clients and investment funds.
When you work with me as your coach, you don't need to explain why things like:
▪️ Tight deadlines,
▪️ Ensuring multi-million-euro transactions go through smoothly,
▪️ Training newcomers on complex financial products/processes,
▪️ Being pressured to take on extra internal projects when you're already up to your eyeballs,
▪️ Or having to plan your life around work shifts
are stressful.
I get it 👍
I understand that it's all-consuming and little rewarded 🤯
💷 Pricing
(Interest-free 3-part payment plans available)
1:1 coaching package – EUR 1,620
Free your Ikigai* package - EUR 1,850
*That sweet spot where you genuinely enjoy what you're doing, you're truly skilled at it, and you can earn a living from it
🧊 Ice Breakers You Can Talk To Me About
🏃♀️ Half-marathon runs
🇯🇵 Japanese culture
🐕 Why I prefer dogs to cats