coaching quest
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Locations & travel options

  • Location(s)

    Belgium, Grez-Doiceau 1390

  • Traveling options

    no limit


  • English



Years of experience

  • 25


  • Organisation: YogiLab
  • Certified Breath Coach
  • Organisation: YogiLab
  • 9D BreathWork Facilitator
  • Organisation: PROSCI
  • Change Management Practitioner
  • Organisation: Center for Creative Leadership
  • Creative & Organizational Leadership


Upcoming events

No upcoming Events

Past events

  • 28 Jun 2024

  • 19:06 To 21:06

  • Belgium

  • ["French"]

Stress & Anxiété - Atelier de Respiration Transformationnelle

Dans ce monde en constante evolution, nous nous retrouvons souvent pris dans le tourbillon des defis quotidiens de la vie familiale et professionnelle.  Le monde qui nous entoure n'est pas aussi bienveilla

  • 31 May 2024

  • 15:05 To 17:05

  • Belgium

  • ["French"]

5 Traumas de l'Enfance - Atelier de Respiration Transformationnelle

Bienvenue dans le royaume transformateur du voyage respiratoire en 9D pour liberer et guerir des 5 empreintes traumatiques principales de l'enfance - une exploration immersive dediee a resoudre les empreintes d

  • 05 Sep 2024

  • 19:09 To 21:09

  • Belgium

  • ["English","French"]

Stress & Anxiety - Transformational BreathWork Journey

In this ever-changing world, we often find ourselves caught up in the whirlwind of daily challenges of family and professional life. The world around us is not as caring as we hope. You are in "fight-flight" mo

  • 29 Aug 2024

  • 19:08 To 21:08

  • Belgium

  • ["English","French"]

Stress & Anxiety - Transformational BreathWork Journey.

In this ever-changing world, we often find ourselves caught up in the whirlwind of daily challenges of family and professional life. The world around us is not as caring as we hope. You are in "fight-flight" mo

  • 03 Sep 2024

  • 14:09 To 17:09

  • Belgium

  • ["English","French","Dutch"]

BreathWork Initiation Journey

We're breathing 22 to 25.000 x a day ... and yet, we don't even think about it. Breathing is our first vital body functionality ... and yet, we don't know how it impacts our body and spirit.How can your breath

  • 27 Aug 2024

  • 09:08 To 12:08

  • Belgium

  • ["English","French","Dutch"]

BreathWork Initiation Journey

We're breathing 22 to 25.000 x a day ... and yet, we don't even think about it. Breathing is our first vital body functionality ... and yet, we don't know how it impacts our body and spirit.  How can your


Contact Rudi Vanderlinden

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