DNA Test Package (2 in 1) by Angelika Sauer | Coaching Quest Services
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Locations & travel options

  • Location(s)

    France, Mondorff 57570

  • Location(s)

    Germany, Karlsruhe 76137

  • Location(s)

    Luxembourg, Luxembourg 2182


  • English



Years of experience

  • 7


  • Organisation: HealVersity
  • Epigenetics Coach
  • Organisation: HealVersity
  • DNA Health Manager
  • Organisation: Ennea Scholars
  • Profiler / Depth psychology
  • Organisation: BSA Akademie
  • Competitive Sports Body-Trainer
  • Organisation: BSA Akademie
  • Fitness Trainer
  • Organisation: Starpool Academy
  • Body Toning and Group Fitness
  • Organisation: Eileen Stelljes
  • Energy Clearing Coach


  • School: Pforzheim University of Applied Science
  • Master
  • Communicatiion & Brand Management
My services

DNA Test Package (2 in 1)


Genetically based and personalized

For a self-determined future with holistic health

Most diseases are merely symptoms we treat with medication. Yet, the root cause remains. Our bodies have too much or too little of something. But what, and why? We delve into the depths, into the cell nucleus.

Because our genetics are not set in stone, and we are by no means at their mercy.


DNA Health revolves around our biological key processes. The results offer a unique range of health profiles: a genetically based healthy eating plan, nutritional goals for relevant vitamins, minerals, secondary plant substances, and foods, as well as recommendations for dietary supplements. We can take the necessary steps to lead a life that is most favorable for our genes.

What is being tested?

Fat metabolism – risk of cardiovascular diseases Methylation – DNA repair and cell renewal Detoxification - function of phase-1 and phase-2 enzymes Inflammation - reaction to injuries, infections, and allergies Oxidative stress - level of free radicals and production of antioxidants Bone health - identifies calcium and vitamin D metabolism processes Insulin resistance - insulin sensitivity of the cells Reactions to foods: e.g., caffeine, salt, alcohol, lactose, and gluten Vitamin metabolism – metabolism of vitamin A, D, C, and B12

Who is it suitable for and how does it work?

DNA Health is valuable for anyone seeking a genetic basis for their health and treatment, regardless of diseases and age. It is also suitable for newborns.

The test is sent by mail and can be easily done independently from home. A tiny prick in the finger is sufficient to analyze the DNA via a drop of blood. The evaluation takes place by telephone or via a one-hour Zoom call, and you will receive the detailed written analysis afterward.


DNA Health provides the foundation. Please select an additional test tailored to your individual health or physical goal. The specified price includes basic and additional tests. Please inform me via email or messenger which test you have chosen.

DNA Resilience

DNA Resilience is aimed at individuals who want to better cope with stressful and demanding conditions and improve their mental, emotional, and physical health, as well as unleash their full potential.

DNA Diet

DNA Diet analyzes gene variants involved in relevant processes related to weight management and reports on the individual's response to changes in diet and lifestyle interventions: Risk of obesity | Reaction to the consumption of carbohydrates and saturated fats | Importance of mono- and polyunsaturated fats for weight management | Response to exercise and physical activity | Eating behavior, including satiety and snacking behavior | Importance of the day-night rhythm on body weight

DNA Mind

DNA Mind provides insight into the functioning of various biological processes that influence the following areas: Neurodegenerative diseases, including deterioration of cognitive performance and development of Alzheimer's | Addiction behavior | Mood regulation, including stress response, anxiety disorders, and depression

DNA Skin

DNA Skin provides insights into all key areas influencing skin aging and delivers personalized recommendations for nutrition and lifestyle: Collagen breakdown and repair | Antioxidant defense and detoxification | DNA repair mechanisms | Aging | Melanin production | Moisture retention | Sebum production | Inflammation

DNA Sport

DNA Sport analyzes genes that have a significant impact on the following areas: Soft tissue injury risk | Recovery | Strength potential | Endurance potential | Caffeine metabolism | Salt sensitivity | Optimal training time

DNA Estrogen

DNA Estrogen supports personalization for recommendations regarding optimal nutrition, hormones, and dietary supplements to improve estrogen metabolism.

Why should you book this service?

The health of the future - your journey to optimal well-being begins with your unique DNA

You can actively influence your gene regulation across all areas of your lifestyle. Body and mind are in constant exchange with each other. Use this knowledge to promote self-healing and not just treat symptoms.

The novel science of epigenetics proves that with our thoughts and emotions, the design of our lifestyle, our environment, and our diet, we can influence down to every cell and our gene activity.

Take aways

Opportunity to influence our genetic predisposition to develop a tailored approach to well-being and vitality

Treatment focused on addressing the root cause rather than merely taking pills to alleviate symptoms

Personalized health and optimized lifestyle

Price information

  • Consumer Price

    500 €

    (excl. VAT)
    Enterprise Price

    580 €

    (excl. VAT)
  • mins


  • English
  • German

Service associated category:

  • Epigenetics coaching
  • Mental Health Coaching
  • Personal development coaching

Service associated topics:

  • Anxiety
  • Exhaustion
  • Health and Wellness
  • Stress Management

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DNA Test Package (2 in 1)

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