Luxembourg, Luxembourg 2546
Luxembourg, Luxembourg 2546
25 km around
According to Ikigai literature, you feel fulfilled in life (1) if you love your (paid) activity, (2) if you are skilled at it and (3) if you contribute to society while doing it.
This online self-assessment tool developed by the Ikigai® Coaching Institute evaluates how aligned your work and life are with your values and deep aspirations by putting into perspective all 3 areas.
It's a fun way to discover where you are today.
How does it work?
1/ Fill in the online questionnaire (approx 15 minutes)
2/ Book a session with me to discuss its results. They will be displayed in the form of a diagram.
The program includes:
How did you feel when you got up this morning?
Take the Ikigai® Scan if:
> you want to understand where you are today personally and/or professionally, or
> you think you are on track and you want to double-check this, or
> you feel like you should make some changes to your life.
In just one look, you'll visualised which of the three areas you need to work on (if any) to feel fulfilment in your life.
You'll get clarity on your current state of mind.
You are not facing the results alone.
I'll partner with you to explore the next steps you want to take to find fulfillment if you feel the need to do so.