Individual Coaching by Jean-Pierre Bertinchamps | Coaching Quest Services
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Locations & travel options

  • Location(s)

    Luxembourg, Differdange 4574

  • Traveling options

    no limit


  • English


Years of experience

  • 29


  • Organisation: ICN
  • Coach


  • School: FNDP Namur
  • Master
  • Information Technology
  • School: Université Nancy II
  • DESS
  • Business administration and management
My services

Individual Coaching


Individual coaching enables the coachee to draw on his or her own resources to discover and implement relevant and realistic solutions to move towards a defined professional/personal objective. These solutions are identified by the coachee themselves, and are therefore more likely to succeed than solutions imposed from outside.

The approach as a whole is therefore forward-looking and focuses more on "how" to achieve an objective than on "why" a situation is difficult. It is a voluntary approach by the coachee, focused on the present and aimed at developing the person's self-learning capacities and autonomy.

The art of coaching is essentially based on questioning, and its effectiveness depends on the sympathetic listening space created by the coach, which encourages awareness, the emergence of solutions, decisions and actions. It's important to understand that coaching is not about giving advice, but about helping the coachee to take control of their future and achieve the goals they have set themselves.

Why should you book this service?

This encourages people to embark on a process of professional and personal growth, maximising their potential, discover their competencies.

The applications of coaching are as varied as the objectives that a person may set themselves:

- Making a commitment and giving meaning to one's mission
- Defining/reorienting your career plan, finding a new job
- Succeeding in a new position
- Transforming management into agile leadership
- Improving your leadership
- Optimising communication
- Delegating
- Managing conflict
- Developing efficiency, creativity and collaborative performance
- Managing a complex project
- Taking an important step in your personal development

Price information

  • On Request

    (excl. VAT)
  • 90 mins


  • French
  • English

Service associated category:

  • Agile Coaching
  • Business Coaching
  • Career Coaching
  • Change Management Coaching
  • Eco Coaching
  • Executive Coaching
  • Leadership Coaching
  • Orientation Coaching
  • Performance coaching
  • Start-up Coaching
  • Youth Coaching

Service associated topics:

  • Carbon footprint
  • Career Changes
  • Career management
  • Career planning
  • Change Management
  • Confidence building
  • Conflict resolution
  • Decision Making
  • Eco-Conscious
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Goal setting
  • Leadership Development
  • Overcoming Objections
  • Personal Development
  • Relationship Improvement

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Individual Coaching

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