Recruitment Services by Sandra Sidon | Coaching Quest Services
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Locations & travel options

  • Location(s)

    Luxembourg, Strassen 8011

  • Traveling options

    no limit


  • English




Years of experience

  • 25


  • Organisation: Coach Académie, Paris
  • Executive Coach
  • Organisation: Université catholique de Louvain, Belgique
  • Certified Mediator


  • School: Université Nancy II, France
  • Master
  • Human Resources
My services

Recruitment Services


The recruitment service I propose aims to assist companies in finding candidates perfectly suited to their vacant positions. Given the costs associated with candidate searches, the need for wise choices is crucial. With a multi-sectoral experience of over 25 years in human resources, I am committed to guiding you towards the best match for your future employees, whether you are a multinational or a small to medium-sized enterprise.


1. Initial Contact: Based on the job description, I reach out to your candidates.

2. Talent Test: In my toolbox I have different testing tools to highlight the qualities, driving forces, points of attention, and weaknesses of each candidate. This process is complemented by a thorough 30-minute interview of the candidate.

3. Debriefing: Subsequently, I discuss the results with you in a debriefing session. I share my insights, provide arguments, and list points of attention.

The total cost for this recruitment service is set at about €450 per candidate. The price may vary depending on the test method that will be used to assess the talents. 

Why should you book this service?

1. Recognized effectiveness: Benefit from the efficiency of a proven and acknowledged approach.

2. Assurance through experience: Take advantage of my 25 years of experience at the highest level in human resources, ensuring unparalleled expertise.

3. Swift execution: Within less than 3 days, your candidate is evaluated, ensuring a quick and effective process.

4. Continuity in recruitment: Ensure continuity in your recruitment, fostering the development of a balanced, collaborative team that contributes to the company's results.

Take aways

Expert opinion: Obtain a detailed and personalized expert opinion in recruitment.



Strong Team: Build a strong team, well-matched to the needs of your business.

Informed candidates: Through the thorough debriefing, candidates learn a lot about themselves, thus starting their new role on solid foundations.

Price information

  • Enterprise Price

    450 €

    (excl. VAT)
  • 90 mins


  • French
  • English
  • German
  • Luxembourgish

Service associated category:

  • Career Coaching
  • Start-up Coaching

Service associated topics:

  • Career Changes
  • Career management
  • Career planning
  • Decision Making
  • Workplace challenges

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