Transition coaching by Jean-Pierre Bertinchamps | Coaching Quest Services
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  • Location(s)

    Luxembourg, Differdange 4574

  • Traveling options

    no limit


  • English


Years of experience

  • 29


  • Organisation: ICN
  • Coach


  • School: FNDP Namur
  • Master
  • Information Technology
  • School: Université Nancy II
  • DESS
  • Business administration and management
My services

Transition coaching


Leaders are constantly challenged by the ongoing changes demanded by a constantly evolving business environment. As a result, management has evolved towards a capacity to anticipate and support transitions, and is becoming transitional leadership.

Through our offering, we aim to support you throughout this profound cultural transformation, which requires a strong commitment from all stakeholders within the company, as well as from customers, suppliers and subcontractors. It also requires strong motivation and commitment from all members of the organisation.

It is with this in mind that the approach we propose,  has been designed and that our support is provided through a number of iterations, encouraging the implementation of "quick wins", the drivers of success in this transition to agility.

Why should you book this service?

The covid period and the maintenance of activity in degraded mode, political and socio-economic instability, an increasingly complex and ephemeral economic environment, climate change and its effects, are all factors favouring the appearance of psychosocial risk factors in our companies, such as conflicts of values, exacerbated tensions and conflictual relationships, the intensity and duration of work, the lack of autonomy, the insecurity of the work situation, and so on.
The consequences of these factors are disengagement, absenteeism and increased staff turnover, leading to a shortage and volatility of talent and a loss of performance for companies.

Developing your company's ability to withstand the shock should also be an opportunity to help it evolve, to anticipate a more virtuous future, to make it resilient, perhaps without realising it, what is known today as "antifragility or agility".

Price information

  • On Request

    (excl. VAT)
  • 90 mins


  • French
  • English

Service associated category:

  • Agile Coaching
  • Change Management Coaching
  • Executive Coaching
  • Leadership Coaching

Service associated topics:

  • Change Management

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Transition coaching

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